Mucho Mucho Amor!

Hi everyone!

Long time no see (even if we can't literally see each other)😅!

So tonight, I have decided to talk to you about the new Netflix documentary, Mucho Mucho Amor! (2020)

Now before I start getting deeper, I have to say that the only reference to Walter Mercado I had was from Alexis Mateo's snatch game pick on All Stars 5 (wich was fabulous by the way). Ironically, the movie came out a few days after the snatch game episode played on television, couldn't there be a better timing?

So Mucho Mucho Amor! the new Kareem Tabsch and Cristina Costantini film, paints a beautiful portrait of Walter Mercado's life, growing up in Puerto Rico, his early career as a Telenovela actor, his fame to present time. 

Now for anyone who dosen't know who Walter Mercado his, well first of all, Google him, he's fantastic. Secondly, he's a BIG name in Spanish speaking countries, like he's a massive legend. Walter Mercado is a famously known for being this positively fabulous astrologer, he would literally tell people on their television that no matter their signs, a lot of good things are coming. 

People interviewed in the movie are recounting their experiences with Walter Mercado on their television screens and let's just say that people took him very seriously, like if God himself was in their television.

I personally really enjoyed this movie, I thought he was a very interesting person to talk about, especially during these dark times it felt good to see that their was a good individual out there, working to make people happy, hopeful and confident about their lives. I personally fell a bit in love with Walter Mercado, sure he's very extraordinary in his manners and fashion but you can feel he was a very nice individual, I  (and I still do) wanted to meet this man. The only thing I was bugged about was the part of his sexuality, it  was pretty annoying because it honestly seem that a simple minority of people seem to care about that part of him, I personally didn't think it was important to make a whole segment about it, I didn't really care. Hell! I wanted to know more about his fabulous coloured shimmering capes, it made me think of Joan Crawford's fur coat in Mildred Pierce (1945), big and long with massive shoulder pads.

The other star of the film... No, not Lin Manuel Miranda but Walter's very close friend, Willie Acosta. He was adorable, their connection is so true and loyal that it made the movie a bit more real and also very comfortable for the viewer to connect with these people. They look and talk like anyone, they didn't sound pretentious or just plain bitchy like other known personalities, and i'm not pointing any fingers...(*whispers* Keeping up with the Kardashians 👀). Oh and their house! The house! It is a museum of antics. Also, the house is built almost like a castle in a cheap amusement park, all bright yellow and sky blue, fabulously kitsh! 

Sadly, Walter Mercado's passed away last November. When I learned that, I must say that I felt heartbroken. The world needs more people like Walter Mercado, the world simply needs Walter Mercado!

Finally, I can only tell you to open your Netflix accounts and see this movie, I had a cute time watching it and I would think the same for you.

Goodbyes! -xxx-

Review: * * * * (Loved it)


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