
Showing posts from June, 2020

Welp....This train D-Railed

Yesterday night, I was hesitating between watching Claire Denis's High Life (2018) or Steven Knight's Serenity (2019), instead I stumbled into Amazon Prime Video 's dark spot and found this movie, D-Railed (2018) directed by Dale Fabrigar who directed a total of five other very poorly rated films on Letterboxd. As terrible as this movie was, I cannot say that I didn't enjoy myself watching it. You see, like I was saying to my friend last night a few moments after the film ended, every bad movies have something that good movies don't. First of all, well.... It's logic, once you annihilate every hint of intelligence and coherence, you are left with a wonderful mess. In this movie per example, our characters know that a man eating monster is waiting for them beneath the surface of the river they crashed into. Well, more than half of them managed to die in about 2 minutes because their only ''good'' plan was to panic and jump in the wate...